Community education project
Artist Fiona Haser
Composer Helen Ottaway
“Good company”
“Laughter, fun, connecting…”
“I have really enjoyed meeting new friends”
Comments from participants
Happy Gatherings, Bits, Pieces and Hopefully Friends was the title given to the project by the participants – members of Salisbury Youth Forum and residents of Reindorp Lodge, Bishopdown (sheltered accommodation for the elderly) – and it sums up their experience. The project was commissioned by Salisbury District Council with the aim of encouraging learning and understanding between different generations through the use of new media arts activity. Artist Fiona Haser and composer Helen Ottaway led sessions which ranged from recording, sampling and manipulating sound to sing-songs round the piano; from computer generated graphics and video recording to painting and mono-printing. Some of the sessions took the form of social gatherings during which stories and experiences were shared and games were played. The project culminated in a celebratory feast for all participants held at Reindorp Lodge. A CD and booklet was produced including sound and visual work inspired by the elders and produced by the youth. Photographic documentation of the project is held at Reindorp Lodge.
Thanks to Al Morrison for computer art work and printing and to Alastair Goolden for location sound and video recording and effects. The CD was recorded at Underworld Recording Studio, Salisbury by Neil Pepper.
Commissioned by Salisbury District Council supported by Salisbury Learning Partnership, January-June 2001.