We work with a wide range of artists

Alastair Goolden

Technology consultant, sound designer, lead artist


Footprints, Thin Air, Lachrymae, Line Dances, The Opera Room, In the Field, ECHO

Rowena Pearce

Visual artist


Footprints, Lachrymae, ECHO

Fiona Haser

Visual artist, pin-hole photographer, flower artist


Intergenerational Project, Palace Intrusions,
In the Field

Barry Cooper

Visual artist


Footprints, Round and Round

Deborah Thomas

Visual artist, designer


The Opera Room

Melanie Thompson

Visual performer, choreographer, lead artist


Palace Intrusions

Bronwen Bradshaw

Film and video artist


Palace Intrusions, Ring Ring Bell

Al Morrison 
(1936 – 2003)

Film and video artist, photographer, educator


Footprints, Round and Round, Lachrymae, Line Dances, Intergenerational Project

Al was extremely generous with his time, energy, and creativity. Whoever he worked with he supported and encouraged. As an artist in his own right, he was prolific, working in many fields from painting to video. Whether creating video art, leading workshops, or producing publicity material his approach was always original, never predictable and he tackled everything with real enthusiasm. We miss his friendship, his quiet artistry and his ability to see through to the heart of things.